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Contact us to organise a free online 30-minute training session. Click the link below to book a time slot and let us know what you would like from the meeting.

Predictable Suomi - Same Word Prediction Error

The most recent update for Predictable Suomi provides a fix for the same word prediction not working previously. If you upgrade and the same word prediction still does not work, please delete and reinstall the app as this will enable the database file to fully redownload and solve the issue. Please get in contact through if you have further issues.

Frequently Asked Questions


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If you have questions about how to best use our apps, want to chat about your specific needs or you would like to make a suggestion please email us

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Predictable Fact Sheets

Therapy Box app support available online

Speaking your first message

Therapy Box app support available online


Therapy Box app support available online

Visual Customisations

Therapy Box app support available online


Therapy Box app support available online

How to make and recieve calls

Therapy Box app support available online


Therapy Box app support available online

The Voice Keeper

Therapy Box
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